The Energy of the Divine Feminine Mystic

We are learning the language of energy, the divine feminine energy and all the different ways this wisdom comes through for us. The power of embodiment of bringing this powerful energy into our wisdom centers of our body, our heart, our intuition....will change your spiritual practice. You will feel more alive with life force energy, more away, more aligned, more energized!

In this month's journey we are activating this divine feminine within us through the archetype of the Divine Feminine Mystic.

She is the priestess devoted to this sacred energy. She activates within us the experience and embodiment of higher states of being, of divine consciousness, of higher truths.

She opens and guides us into our soul gifts, and a soul aligned life that is aligned with your highest, truest self...perhaps she wants to awaken more within you!

This is a deep dive into your authentic truth to uncover hidden, suppressed or forgotten parts of you!

Tuning Into More

You knew there was more....

You know in your heart there is more than the mindset work. There is more than the learning through your mind. You have done all that! Now it is time to bring soul into your wisdom centers, into your body, your heart, and to feel it deeply in all the power centers within you!

Healing at a Deeper Level

We are following this sacred primal energy as it moves through us, healing and releasing what we didn't even realize needed to be healed and released. This journey of embodying the wisdom coming through can heal in miraculous ways. Your journey will awaken every cell of your being to your deepest ancient spiritual wisdom within.

Sacred Gathering Together

As we gather together, each woman walking her own sacred journey within, but together in vision and intention, we activate this energetic vortex that will take us all to higher wisdom. Our clearest, most sincere intentions will determine our level of activations, and in sisterhood we feel supported and that we belong. This helps create the space for transformation.

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