The Soulfully Aligned Creative Mystic Certification Program
Join the wave of empowerment and inspiration for women around the world; first for you, then for her, then for the world!
Enroll in Course
Next session begins Spring 2025
If you are here then you probably have already been feeling the Change.
We are living in transformational times. Times that have been predicted for hundreds of years. There are many, many souls rising up to seek more in their life, questioning the way things have been, and seeking more self-awareness. One thing they all experience is a rise in their own creative flow and intuition. What they may not realize is how much their rising intuitive abilities and creative flow are able to help them create the changes they desire in their own life.
It is time for The Soulfully Aligned Creative Mystics to help lead!
We need as many Soulfully Aligned Women as possible on this planet right now!
And what I know for sure, from my past 30 years of soul alignment, spiritual development and psycho-spiritual development is that the new frequency is all about:
becoming more aligned with our own heart / soul
and with the subtle forces of the Universe
as we consciously create our lives.
The world needs this. And the world needs more Soulfully Aligned Women to lead.
Many of you may have read my book, The Creation Guild where I explain the connection between our heart and our creative flow with the greater powers of the Universe.
I have had many years of learning to develop my intuition and channeling, through sitting in circles with powerful women, shamans and great teachers and what I know deep in my heart is that the gateway to this communication is through our creative flow, and listening with our heart.
Here is where we can access our inner wisdom and guidance
and bring balance to the sacred divine feminine.
Women will be the change for our world that we are searching for
but it begins with the inner journey for each of us.
Becoming a certified Soulfully Aligned Creative Mystic is a personal journey first,
it is for you first.
It is a love story with yourself.
It is a remembering of who you are at your deepest levels of your soul.
It's an inner path of discovery that will give you more strength,
a centeredness, a stronger sense of who you are and what you are here to do
but it begins with you walking the path to your heart and communing with your soul.
And as you emerge from this certification journey,
you become a force of change in our world as we link arms together.
We are incredibly powerful beings when we are soulfully aligned and tapped into the expansive energy, creative flow available to each of us.
We have the power to vision a new world into being.
Big change is happening in our world, and you are needed to help others walk this path. There are so many living without awareness and they are beginning to open up to this new way of living.
This means more and more of you are needed to help guide them through this.
As a Soulfully Aligned Creative Mystic your sacred journey never ends
because now you are circled up with other soulfully aligned women who are passionate about awakening this awareness in other women around the world!
You will be part of a wave of empowerment, of inspiration for other women,
and together we will reach more and more women, rippling this energy out!
When we gather together, paint together, dive into our creativity together, we not only create a space for all of us to heal the old ways of thinking, the hurts, traumas, patterns of the old systems in the world, but we also help heal the earth and hold space for these transformations to occur in our world.When women gather energy radiates!
When we gather change happens. Healing happens.
We are so needed right now to gather and create together.
In these circles limitations are released, and new visions are welcomed in.
We become empowered!
This could be exactly what your heart has been calling you to!
Together we can create positive change in our world, one life at a time!
Schedule a call with Janice by clicking here
At Soulfully Aligned Women we are a community with a force
We share a vision of making this world a better world
We know that women hold a power to create and when we walk in reverence with this power,
we are making a better world.
Being soulfully aligned is not about religion. It is about our own individual relationship with our soul,
our higher wisdom, inner guides and developing a deep relationship, within our heart.
It is about enhancing your intuition and channeling messages for yourself and helping others do the same.
It is for the creative mystics who know there is another way
and are dedicated to visioning in a newer 5D version of our world!
Together in an ongoing community we get to awaken women to their truest potential!
It is so much fun to be part of a community who share a common vision,
to be part of a movement, to create change together,
to support each other, and celebrate together!
Becoming a Soulfully Aligned Creative Mystic is for those who know they want to serve
using their intuition, creative flow, painting, art, journaling and meditation
or they want to deepen their own sacred practice and circle up with Janice and others
in a more profound way.
Schedule a call with Janice by clicking here
Or scroll down to get started on your journey!
Become a Spiritual Mentor, Creative Coach, Mystic Guide....
What does the training look like?
We begin with The Soulfully Aligned You Creative Journey that runs for the full 9 months of the program. This program begins with you, learning the sacred practice of a Soulfully Aligned Coach, and walking the path for yourself!
The Soulfully Aligned You Journey - A Creative Journey - The Soulfully Aligned You Journey is a sacred practice and global community that will run for the next 9 months. Every month you are led in a shamanic painting journey into mystical and natural realms, you will learn from Spirit Guides and Allies and create art to bring you a deeper connection with yourself, Spirit and your creative vision.
In this journey you gain strength to receive guided wisdom and inspiration in your life. Each month the group theme and energy will keep you coming back to your home base again and again. A monthly module helps you continue to strengthen your practice with art journal prompts, meditations, writing journal prompts, mantras and prayers to use as you sink in deeper.
You will continue to ground and strengthen the spiritual, soulful aspect of you, coming back to your heart center more and more quickly, even when the world around you is spinning too fast.
Running parallel with The Soulfully Aligned You portion for the first 6 months will also be The Creative Mystic to fully immerse, enhance and if needed access your intuitive gifts. These modules honour the mystic within you and is a most powerful journey!
The Creative Mystic is all about developing your intuitive gifts and learning how to channel for you and then later for others. We will train, develop and direct your abilities as they grow. You will learn how to recognize and harness the gifts that are naturally already within you. We will explore energy, vibrations, sacred geometry, as well as different ways of communication. Our focus is on inspirational channeling from higher realms.
Once we complete The Creative Mystic modules we will then begin to work on the business aspects. We will access our divine feminine energy, balancing it with the the left brain masculine energy and create our business in the new level of doing business: the 5D business instead of the older paradigms of the 3D version of business.
The Mystic Biz is an 8 week program that brings you everything you need to know to create the energetic blueprint for your thriving business. You know that everything is energy! You know that you are a powerful creator and you have something to give from your heart! And you are ready to create from your deepest core. You are ready to create what your soul came here for. The time and space to create, your own soulfully aligned group, the security and money for you to continue to create and serve in this world in a much bigger way. It is time to build your soulfully aligned business with the cosmic forces available to you. This is the secret to creating a sustainable, thriving, business that draws the people who are ready for you in. This is where it all begins. It begins with energy. So let's create your business through a sacred energetic framework that will become a solid foundation for your business to grow, expand and maybe even create a massive movement (if that is your vision).
The next module, after we finish The Mystic Biz is The Soulfully Magnetic Entrepreneur. This is truly your next level where you can make quantum leaps in your energy, your divine feminine energetics, accessing your multidimensional self!
The Soulfully Magnetic Entrepreneur is your pure magic and is a powerful next step in your soulfully aligned business. We will meet for 5 modules where you will gain access to the next level higher frequencies that will bring through your true goddess creations. You will be creating on a whole other realm after these sessions of gathering together.
Finally we end our training with The Soulfully Aligned Money Mindset. We will be clearing away any hindrances to your divine wealth through your business. Money is energy and the Universe wants you to have as much energy as possible to be the creator in this world!
The Soulfully Aligned Money Mindset will take us through to the end of our training and is a brand new program coming through for all of you! I am so excited to share this with all of you!
By the end of all of these modules, you will be so ready to take your light out
and share it with the world.
You will be ready to lead and gather others around you in sacred circles of creative energy!
Energy will radiate from these circles, up, down and out and this will help heal those who gather, the earth and hold space for the world as others find their way through the shifts that are happening right now.
Still have questions? Schedule a call with Janice
Just click here
Are You Ready and Excited to Jump in?
The next session to become a Certified Soulfully Aligned Creative Mystic begins in March 2025. You can get registered now and take advantage of the early bird pricing, saving you $500. You will also receive the Soulfully Aligned & RICH program in the free Soulfully Aligned Women APP.
CANADIANS please view all pricing plans for yours in Canadian dollars - email [email protected]
Take advantage of the payment plan too!
(Special pricing for Creatively Fit Coaches through Whitney Freya)
More Questions? Email Janice at [email protected] or schedule a call right here
Your Instructor
Hi, I'm Janice
I am the guide for women like you, who want to walk in their magnetic magic and be the artist of their life.
I bring through light codes and channeling that help us all elevate into our divine potentiality
as powerful manifestors and leaders who walk the path of the divine feminine.
Beautiful soul, if you have found your way here then I profoundly believe your soul magic has called out to me and led you here.
I work with spirit to awaken women into their divine feminine energy,
bringing a higher consciousness and deeper embodiment of love to our world.
I know if you are here this resonates with your heart's truth and we are here on this earth, at this time together for a purpose.
Women who gather together radiate a light that is so bright it creates ripples and radiates out all around them.
Miracles happen in this light. I am so happy you are here.
Visit my website at
Course Curriculum
StartWhite Buffalo Calf Woman Sacred Teachings - Painting Session (115:20)
PreviewAn Evening with the Mystics Recording (91:21)
PreviewMy Art Studio Set Up (8:29)
PreviewSupply List
StartIntuitive Painting Video (23:47)
PreviewMystic Conversations - How to go deeper into your relationship with your soul (60:23)
PreviewMystic Acceleration Meditation (52:09)
StartWinter Solstice in the Art Studio - Bear Energy Painting Workshop (110:25)