Imagine a sacred space where you feel truly supported, deeply connected, and lovingly nurtured—a place to land softly and rise powerfully. Welcome to The Soulfully Aligned Nest, a high-vibrational aftercare program created exclusively for the incredible women who have journeyed through a Soulfully Aligned Woman program.

This is your home—a sanctuary where you can reconnect with the tools and wisdom you’ve already gained, while continuing to grow, expand, and thrive.

The Nest is not just an aftercare program; it’s a vibrant, nurturing community designed to hold you as you continue to soar. It’s a space to land softly when life feels overwhelming and a place to spread your wings when it’s time to take flight again.

Together, we’ll celebrate your wins, hold space for your growth, and co-create a network of powerful, aligned women ready to radiate their light into the world.

Support and Connection – A community of women who truly understand the path you’ve walked and are walking alongside you on the journey of soulful alignment.

A Place to Remember Your Power – Reignite the fire within you, tap into the tools that have served you, and step boldly into the next level of your radiant self.

A Space for Mastermind and Inspiration – Share ideas, network, and dream bigger with like-minded women who inspire you to reach for more.

Vibrational Growth Together

Raise your frequency as we collectively hold space for one another, move with the cycles, unlocking even greater possibilities in life, love, and leadership.

A Reminder of Your Tools
Dive back into the practices that anchor you in your divine feminine power and keep you aligned with your soul’s highest calling.

Ask Questions
Come and ask questions, for clarity, for support, and guidance from Janice and other wise women there.

How Does it Look Like For You?

The Nest is here for you. You join whichever gatherings you need, or work for you.

Each month there will be a gathering on the first Tuesday at 10am MT (9am pacific, 12pm Eastern)

Our second gathering will be on the third Tuesday at 6:30pm Mt (5:30pm Pacific, 8:30pm Eastern)

A third gathering of a mastermind class, art workshop or guest speaker will be offered each month, the date being posted for you but will be aimed for an afternoon at 1:30pm MT

You will find out and have first chance on other Soulfully Aligned Women events, such as new programs, retreats or painting workshops, and special discounts.

When you first join we ask for a 3 month commitment so you can get a full experience of what is being offered to you here.

You can cancel at any time, and come back to The Nest whenever you feel you need more.

The Soulfully Aligned Nest is here for you!

A Peek Inside

Once you join, you will be added into our private group. Here is the message that will greet you in there.

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